Contract Lists

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You can view the complete Contract List sorted Alphabetically by Item, by Vendor, by Expiration Date, or by Procurement Specialist (PS) in two easy ways.

1. From this page, click on one of the following choices:

2. You may also search the Contract List by bid/contract number, vendor, or bid name.

  1. Under option 1, click on View Contract List sorted alphabetically by item with links to contract documents and awards.
  2. Hit your control & F keys simultaneously and the Find box will appear.
  3. Type in the last 4/5 digits of the bid/contract #, or the vendors name, or the bid name.
  4. Hit the Enter key and the results, if any, will appear.
  5. To search for another contract, repeat steps 1-3.
  6. Expired contracts are removed from the online contract list at time of expiration. These documents are accessible by emailing your request to or by contacting the Procurement Services Division at 954-828-5933.